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Estimating the cost of building a house can be challenging. However, expenses can be categorized into primary and additional costs.

  • Primary costs include land acquisition, architectural plans and studies, construction, VAT, and building permits. It is crucial to understand and agree on the project’s technical specifications from the beginning to avoid financial surprises during construction.
  • Additional costs depend on your needs and preferences and are not included in the construction contract. These can vary significantly, covering items such as heating, lighting, furniture, appliances, landscaping, etc.

Before embarking on building a house, it is crucial to assess your budget relative to the cost. The estimation process is complex, considering various factors:

  • Location: Construction costs are higher in different areas . Careful research is essential to understand the prices in each region.
  • Land Position: The location of the land significantly impacts overall construction costs. Factors such as accessibility, neighboring properties, power lines, or existing structures can increase general and indirect costs.
  • Soil & Subsoil: Unstable or rocky terrain, as well as watercourses, can increase construction costs. The soil quality determines the foundation type, affecting construction works and final costs.
  • Surface & Volume of the House: Larger surfaces and volumes result in higher costs. Efficient space use can optimize construction costs.
  • Construction Materials: Material choices for walls, roofing, and fixtures affect overall costs and contribute to the home’s final appearance.
  • Proper Planning:  Collaboration with the contractor is essential to incorporate smart ideas, optimize designs, and pay attention to details.
  • Choice of Contractor: The selection of a construction company significantly influences costs. Choose professionals with extensive experience and expertise in both construction and project management.

When you approve the preliminary plans and decide to proceed with the construction of the building, the most common procedure mandated by legislation includes:

  • Urban Planning Permit
  • Building Permit
  • Design of construction plans and approval by the client
  • Invitation to registered contractors (with an active license corresponding to the project) to submit bids
  • Receipt of bids, evaluation, and assignment of construction to the selected contractor.

The construction of a residence, or building a house, marks a new beginning. However, it is a quite expensive process, as construction costs can be high and may likely exceed the initial estimates. Therefore, it is necessary to follow these 5 tips to achieve the desired results and stay within budget.

  1. Detailed Research:
    Research is crucial when building a new house from scratch. Initially, consult with experts to discuss your needs and obtain quotes from various technical offices. It is essential to thoroughly examine the location, type of residence, orientation, layout, cost, facilities, components, and municipal building regulations. Changes to plans during construction can be costly and cause delays, so all major decisions should be finalized at the beginning.

  2. Site Selection:
    Choosing a location for building a house is crucial and affects your budget. Limit your options to 2 or 3 areas close to your budget and lifestyle. Construction costs in remote areas and islands are generally higher. It’s advisable to identify areas that are currently more affordable but have good prospects for future value appreciation.

For those with available land, conducting a soil assessment is necessary, as it will determine the cost of preparation, foundations, and site shaping.

  1. Available Budget:
    Proper budget planning is a fundamental element in constructing a residence. Even in cases of fixed-price contracts, unexpected expenses may arise. Ensure that your budget has some flexibility to cover additional costs. The budget should align with your current financial situation while allowing for flexibility in case circumstances change in the future. If you plan to acquire a property, thorough research on interest rates and loan repayment periods for a housing loan is necessary.

  2. Selection of Technical Company:
    The choice of a technical company plays a significant role in residence construction. Select a company specializing in building houses according to your needs. Professionals with years of experience and a portfolio of completed projects can showcase the quality of their work.

  3. Contract Signing:
    Carefully read the reconstruction contract before signing it, as it may seem complex. Pay particular attention to details such as foundations, excavation of large soil volumes, garden landscaping, and connections to service providers. The contract should include detailed costs for each task, and warranty terms should be clearly stated.